The SAT Suite of Assessments are free testing opportunities provided by the Colorado Department of Education and DPS that includes:
In addition to an academic benchmark and DPS graduation readiness indicator, the SAT is a college entrance exam created by the College Board and is used by most colleges and universities in the admissions process.
There are two sections to the SAT: math and evidence-based reading & writing. The SAT takes three hours to complete. The two sections are scored on a 200 to 800 point scale for a combined possible score between 400 and 1600. There is an optional essay portion as well which is an additional 50 minutes.
Denver Public Schools is offering a free eight-week, at-home, virtual SAT test prep program for 11th grade students, in partnership with Tutored by Teachers, with live and experienced teachers providing guidance on the Math and EBRW (Evidence-Based Reading and Writing) sections of the test, as well as test-taking strategies specific to the new digital administration of the SAT.
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